Tuesday, June 28, 2005


school's out for summer...

ok, so not actually yet... but tomorrow is the last day.
i am SO excited... ecstatic... relieved...

i'm "graduating" from grade 8 and going into high school. should be special.

i am really really looking forward to NOT being at my current school. but at the same time i'm really really going to miss my current school.

santa claus walking on the roof, waving through the skylights... out of control playday waterfights... kids telling me their random, dramatic stories from the night before... these are things that i'll SO miss.

Thursday, June 23, 2005


it would appear that i am "it"

number of books i own: never counted, don't have a clue, so i'm gonna go with: some

last book i bought: might've been the prophet. or maybe lost souls.

last book i read: i read lots at the same time... i can't remember which one i finisehd most recently... is that sad?? i think it really IS...

books that mean a lot to me: oh my gosh! how hard is this question! piles and piles!


feelin' the love...

apparently people ACTUALLY read my blog! who knew!?!?!

but i've been told repeatedly that i have to update it...

it's not that i haven't thought about blogging. i've even started posts. it just wasn't happenin'...

but, as the public outcry has been deafening of late... i will endeavour to be more rigorous with my blogging.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005



one of my teens suggested (demanded?) a waterfight for squads last night.
it's so very hot... who am i to quibble???


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