Thursday, September 15, 2005


high school??? shut up!

yeah, so i'm back in high school... who'd've thought!

but it's all good.

i'm doing these incredibly random classes -- auto mechanics, woodshop, statistics (hey, to me it's random)... everyday is a new adventure... most of the time, i almost have a clue what's going on.


but i've had some really good times here and it's only been, like, a week, so that's cool. grade 9 boys' gym was, by far, the best class i've been in... and then the deaf kid's schedule changed and now, tragically, i've lost gym!

and instead, i have to interpret something about lawnmower engines... somehow it just doesn't seem fair...

Thursday, September 01, 2005


not that it matters, but...

ok, i really DO read books.
i just never change my blog, so it SEEMS like i don't actually read anything, but i DO...

so i should change them now, right? theoretically, yes. BUT i haven't actually finished any of the books that have been listed here (forever) yet.

pathetic. i know.

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