Sunday, February 26, 2006


perception of motivation

i'm not in anyone else's head.
i don't know what they think or feel or want or fear or need or love.
i often think that i know.
i often think that i understand a persons motivation as well as if they'd told me.
i bet i'm right sometimes.
i'm pretty sure i'm wrong sometimes.
i might even be wrong a lot of the time. (shhh don't tell...)
i bet people think they understand me.
that they know why i do things, or what i think, or how i feel...
i bet they're right sometimes.
i'm pretty sure they're wrong sometimes.

i wonder what would happen if we were more honest in relationships
i wonder what would happen if i told people what i think, feel, want, fear, need, love
i wonder what would happen if i asked people what they think, feel, want, fear, need, love

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