Wednesday, July 26, 2006


lunch with lily

i went out for lunch with lily today.
she took me to a place in chinatown that she told me had really good food.
i think we ordered about 87 things and the waitress kept bringing more and more food to our table. and more. and more.
it was really really good...
and then i learned how to say the name of the place... which i promptly forgot...
(but i'm sure she'd tell me again)


time flies part 2

sooo, my last post was about 2 weeks ago, marvelling at how fast my vacation time was going, and this post will be very much the same, unfortunately.

and it's not like i'm really DOING anything that later i'll look back on and say "wow! what well-spent time!" more like i'll look back and say " really?? all those days went by? wow!"

hmmm. at least there's a "wow" in both the things i say to myself. i'm very enthusiastic. apparently.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


july 15?!? already!!!

wow time flies when you're accomplishing nothing!

i guess that's not totally true -- i've been hanging out with kids at summer squads; that's a good thing.

but my innate ability to procrastinate is well-entrenched, no matter how hard i try to fight it.
i've actually been pretty faithful about DOING stuff... just gotta keep on keepin' on i guess

but wow! 1/4 of my summer is already gone!

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