Saturday, April 14, 2007

A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

Albert Einstein

Monday, January 29, 2007


move over, rocky (i might trip on your walker)

so i decided i want to be a boxer

i just don't want to hit anybody
or get hit by anybody

especially the second one!

Friday, August 18, 2006


trying new things

i've always suspected and now it's confirmed - i suck at rockclimbing walls.
i think i got about half a foot higher than i could reach from the ground... well, maybe a BIT higher than that, but not much!

i did, however, successfully do the leap of faith - jump off a platform to hit a target and pray really hard that the guy on the ground doesn't let you fall

AND i did the giant swing, which was totally fun!

other things i did that were dirt scary: rollerblade down the ramp (small ramp admittedly, but i can't skate at all and my legs were shaking); tubing (not actually scary, mostly just fun... but i DID get elbowed in the jaw repeatedly while the boat driver tried to knock us off); the blob (ok, also not scary, but i'd never done it before. hmm. maybe i should've called this section something different...)

i really liked when the teens, whom i'd been pestering constantly to try new things and to face their fears, would turn it back on me... it's only fair: if i expect them to try something that scares them, i'd better be ready to try something that scares me.
darn it!

and when they'd encourage and support me as sincerely and enthusiastically as i'd support them...
i have really great teens!

Friday, August 04, 2006


i'm old(er)!

it was my birthday
i'm old!!
BUT it was a really great birthday...

red lobster with my fam - despite heather's seafood allergy!
cake and hotdogs with squads and then we went to a movie - my groups were AMAZINGLY well-behaved for all activities - possibly the BEST birthday present ever!
i got a frappachino from starbucks
it RAINED with lightning and thunder and wind

and the next day my friend cooked me dinner and then another friend had planned a downtown scavenger hunt birthday party that ended up at an amazing dessert place

it was really great!
even though i'm old

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


lunch with lily

i went out for lunch with lily today.
she took me to a place in chinatown that she told me had really good food.
i think we ordered about 87 things and the waitress kept bringing more and more food to our table. and more. and more.
it was really really good...
and then i learned how to say the name of the place... which i promptly forgot...
(but i'm sure she'd tell me again)


time flies part 2

sooo, my last post was about 2 weeks ago, marvelling at how fast my vacation time was going, and this post will be very much the same, unfortunately.

and it's not like i'm really DOING anything that later i'll look back on and say "wow! what well-spent time!" more like i'll look back and say " really?? all those days went by? wow!"

hmmm. at least there's a "wow" in both the things i say to myself. i'm very enthusiastic. apparently.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


july 15?!? already!!!

wow time flies when you're accomplishing nothing!

i guess that's not totally true -- i've been hanging out with kids at summer squads; that's a good thing.

but my innate ability to procrastinate is well-entrenched, no matter how hard i try to fight it.
i've actually been pretty faithful about DOING stuff... just gotta keep on keepin' on i guess

but wow! 1/4 of my summer is already gone!

Monday, June 19, 2006


rolling rampage

i took some kids to a wheelchair relay race. i hope that it was fun and different and eye-opening for them. they had to wheel themselves around a 250m circuit. i heard some big talk about how easy it'd be... of course, that was all BEFORE they actually did the race...

i love our kids. they are so amazing. they tried really hard and supported each other and had really positive attitudes when it was harder than they thought.

watching them watch the race was very cool. there was an old man on one of our teams and he was wheeling as fast as he could (not very...) and when he wheeled by T&V, waiting for their turns, they stopped their conversation and started clapping and cheering for him. it was really sweet. they're good boys.

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