Friday, August 18, 2006


trying new things

i've always suspected and now it's confirmed - i suck at rockclimbing walls.
i think i got about half a foot higher than i could reach from the ground... well, maybe a BIT higher than that, but not much!

i did, however, successfully do the leap of faith - jump off a platform to hit a target and pray really hard that the guy on the ground doesn't let you fall

AND i did the giant swing, which was totally fun!

other things i did that were dirt scary: rollerblade down the ramp (small ramp admittedly, but i can't skate at all and my legs were shaking); tubing (not actually scary, mostly just fun... but i DID get elbowed in the jaw repeatedly while the boat driver tried to knock us off); the blob (ok, also not scary, but i'd never done it before. hmm. maybe i should've called this section something different...)

i really liked when the teens, whom i'd been pestering constantly to try new things and to face their fears, would turn it back on me... it's only fair: if i expect them to try something that scares them, i'd better be ready to try something that scares me.
darn it!

and when they'd encourage and support me as sincerely and enthusiastically as i'd support them...
i have really great teens!

hey jenn
sounds like you had fun at camp. glad you did
Hi Jenn
Why don't you update your blog. I read yours and Heather's. You never update yours. I try to keep up with your lives vis your blog but you don't make it very easy. WHat is happening these days. Come on,,,,update us. Aunt Sandy and Uncle Brian
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